friday December 4th, 2020


The Toronto Railway Club is excited to host the 86th Annual Dinner. The dinner will be held in the prestigious Canadian Room of the Fairmont Royal York Hotel.  Hundreds of railway and industry insiders participate in this “not to be missed” gathering.  The event will be held on a Friday and dinner will be served at 7:00 pm sharp.

More details to come soon!  Photos of past years events can be found here (TRC members only!)

Please note, Registration is restricted to 1 Table per Company and its’ affiliates.  Should you require additional tables, please email Secretary@torontorailwayclub.com to put your Company Name on a wait list.

Individual seats can be purchased for $160.00 (tax included).  

Selection of 10 individual seats will purchase a table.

  •  December 4, 2020
     7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.


Venue Phone: 416 368 2511

Venue Website:

100 Front St W, Toronto, ON - Ontario, Canada, M5J 1E3