2019 trc Calendar memberships

Please sign up or renew your TRC Membership here:  https://www.torontorailwayclub.com/membership-account/membership-levels/

The Toronto Railway Club membership is for the calendar year and includes the following benefits:

  • Access to Premier Toronto Railway Club Events such as the Golf Tournament and Annual Dinner
  • Receive advance notices for Premier Events sales and starting sale dates!
  • Access to all Event Gallery Photos
  • Help support Toronto Railway Club’s mandate!

Without a 2019 paid membership, you will not be notified by email for when Annual Dinner ticket sales will open!


member gallery updated

Photos of the 2019 Boat Cruise and Meet & Greet are now available – view them here.  

NOTE:  TRC members can email us with the photo number to receive higher quality photos.  Limited to a single photo request, per member, per day.  Contact information here.